The Non-Resident Nepali Association Hong Kong (NRNAHK) is an association of Nepalese living in Hong Kong irrespective of their race and religion. NRNAHK was instituted in 2004 as a country branch of Non-Resident Nepali Association and one of the 84 other branches spread all over the world.

NRNAHK represents the interest, concern and commitment of all the Nepalese in Hong Kong, in addition encourages involvement and motivate Nepalese towards economic and social development of Nepal.

The NRNA was established following the first Non- Resident Nepali Conference on 11-14 October 2003; the assembled delegates decided to join hands together to create a common institution of Nepalese residing outside Nepal. Where in for practical purposes Nepalese citizens living outside of the SAARC member countries are considered NRNs and come under NRNA.

NRNA is a global network of Nepalese associations committed to streamline their energy and resources for the transformation of Nepalese society. From the nationality perspective both Nepali and foreign nationals of Nepalese origin are regarded as NRNS.

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